**This application is only for users of french "Free" mobile operator**Free Visual Voicemail allows you to access voicemail messages (from your mobile plan Free) in the desired order, archive and transfer your messages with ease (2G connection , 3G or 4G required)
This application allows too to use with ease FreeWifi_secure and to follow consumption information with widgets.
**This application is compatible with all Free plans but requires a mobile data connection**
**If you have a Dual SIM phone, please follow the directions displayed at first launch .**
**If problem occurs, please contact us via email below !**
Features :- new voicemails notifications- listen your voicemails in any order- archive your voicemails on your phone- callback- reply by SMS- share your voicemails (email or other...)- delete voicemails- add caller number to contacts- greeting recorder- setup delay before voicemail forward- see your usage (voice, sms, data, roaming...)- setup "Free Revolution" ringtone- setup FreeWifi_secure network- widgets (resizables)
Google+ Community : https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/109128254615315988608/